
#5 – “Grow and learn” – David Caggiari (David Cage) – Rock star turned 2nd stripe white belt Brazilian Ju Jitsu and amazing inspiring dude

Art as a competitive endeavour? – David is a friend who has navigated the complicated and competitive world of the music industry having had his band (Apartment) signed by Universal. He has since accomplished many life learnings on top of this and we talk about approaches to failing and he speaks to his experience in…

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#4 – “Learn how to execute with precision” – Barney Hoskins – A conversation with a great runner and great friend

Barney and I discussed a hobby becoming a habit, a ritual and ultimately an identity. I have always known Barney to be someone willing to leap outside his comfort zone in pursuit of self-improvement and ‘betterment’. I’m very pleased to have captured this conversation. Follow Barney on Strava here: The runner Sage Canaday that…

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#3 – ‘a “No” is the start of the journey’ – Women in Negotiation – Wies Bratby – The kick-ass monkey who is taking on the

Awesome conversation with a kick-ass “most enthusiastic monkey on the planet” (her family’s term!) former lawyer, HR director and now “Chief Enthusiasm Officer” with Women in Negotiation. I am so pleased to give Wies another opportunity to spread the word to all the kick-ass women (and men!) out there! Listen to Wies’ Ted Talk here:…

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#2 – “Define your win” – Marion Campan – A deep-sea diving, multi multi lingual coach

I talk to Marion who is living out in Shanghai about living a focussed life, coaching and her dream to speak 10 languages fluently. A dream that she concocted when she was just 10 years old… a “Smart Goal for a smart girl”!

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#1 – “Be brave and execute” – Restless Courage – John Peck – Adventurer, executive coach, leadership expert.

We talk about John’s incredible journey and adventures alongside the theme of courage and being brave enough to begin the journey towards winning. To give a taste, he rowed from London to Paris in a whaling boat, scaled mountains all over the world including the Matterhorn and numerous peaks in the Himalayas, he rowed across…

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